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The Kennel

We are a small family Tornjak kennel striving to better this beautiful but rare breed. Our goal is not to own a large number of dogs, but rather to make them our family. They live, travel, and vacation with us. They are not kept in outdoor kennels, although they do have a fenced area outside. Additionally, they have the option to spend time indoors with us, if they wish to do so. Our dogs are health tested (hips, elbows), regularly checked by the vet, socialised, have a DNA profile, and often perform at dog shows.

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The Tornjak is a livestock guardian breed. That means they were used to protect flocks, such as sheep, goats, and sometimes cows from predators and intruders. These types of dogs share many similar characteristics, yet there are significant distinctions among the various breeds.

One of their main characteristics are their calm, stable character, stubbornness and independence. In our experience they are also extremely adaptable. They are able to adjust to different conditions with no effect on their behaviour, and their drives and instincts remain fully intact.

Tornjaks are surprisingly skillful adventurers and explorers. They demand to be walked daily, always starting new expeditions. You can quite literally see the sparkle in their eyes when they realise that they are going somewhere. And rest assured, wherever you place them, be it nature or an urban area, their ability to adapt and orient themselves will never cease to amaze you.

For more information on the breed you can read the official FCI standard.

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Our Story

Our story starts with Buba, our first Tornjak. We got her before we ever even considered starting our very own kennel. She is your typical Tornjak — stubborn, intelligent, demanding things be her way, yet full of love and dedication to her owner.

When she was 2 years old, we decided to get another dog, Leo. He was a Croatian shepherd mix from a Croatian rescue. Sadly, due to complications, Leo passed away 2 years later. After his loss, we decided to get Buba a new friend.

Having carefully considered our options, we chose Palačinka Vala Liburna from a renowned Croatian breeder, Lorena Kovačiček (valaliburna.hr). Fast forward to her teenage years and first wishes to have puppies with Palačinka arose. We started preparing for her breeding license. We asked our dear friend Tadeja to help us out with preparing her for the breeding license exam. Tadeja owns a successful English springer spaniel and whippet kennel that you can find at larsmankennel.com.

She suggested we join her at CAC Lendava the very next weekend, and so we did. Palačinka did great and got JBOB, BOB, and JCAC. That is how our love for dog showing started and since then we have been regularly attending the events.

In less than a year of showing Palačinka has become champion of multiple countries and earned herself the prestigious titles of European and World Winner of her breed. Currently she is a champion of several countries, holds two World winner titles and one European winner title. Besides that she was also a class winner and 2nd best female overall at a tornjak specialty in Karlovac.